Report by Rafael Gomes de Oliveira, Thornton Tomasetti
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Delegates and representatives of United Technologies gather to discuss the technologies shaping modern high-rises.
Some of the newest technologies regarding building performance were discussed and presented in this room, which was kindly hosted by United Technologies Corporation. The room held several presentations during the first two conference days, covering topics related to energy savings, vertical transportation, building safety, and the overall future of intelligent buildings.
Upon entering the room, the first noticeable aspect was the big screens on the left-hand side, which displayed videos and detailed interactive animations. The host room representatives were well prepared, guiding visitors through the different technologies exhibited. The space itself was very welcoming; during break times many people would converse around the tables set up in the back of the room.
During the vertical transportation presentation, it was interesting to see how much work and effort is still being put towards passenger dynamics in buildings. For example, elevators are a technology that has been around for over 100 years; although they perform a pretty straightforward function, there is still a lot of potential for further development.
CTBUH China Office Board Member Murilo Bonilha, General Manager of United Technologies Research Center, added, “We talked enough in this conference about elevator moving mass and core space use, but what we don’t talk about enough are some of the other challenges. HVAC use tends to be higher, energy footprint is higher, and we need to find solutions to address those issues as well.”
Craig Walker, Director of HVAC&R, Fire, and Security Program Office of United Technologies Research Center, discussed the various threats that we are facing in today’s society. He noted that, “If we have the release of a biological or chemical agent in an area, I can instantly change the way the HVAC system works.”
It appears that the big trend surrounding the topic of intelligent buildings (and even intelligent cities), is the integration of operational systems (fire, lighting, energy, water, transportation, security, HVAC, etc). The benefits for high performing buildings − which include energy savings, healthier and safer spaces, and a higher occupant satisfaction − are very tangible. Intelligent integrated systems are here to stay and the expectation is that they will continue to become the industry standard not only for new buildings, but for existing ones as well.
United Technologies Corporation did a wonderful job covering the new developments in intelligent building solutions as well as discussing the integration of these solutions. The the host room was an overall success.
Monday, October 26, 2015
11:15 AM – 12:45 PM
Chris Opie, Director of Marketing, UTC Climate Controls & Security Systems & Service
Mead Rusert, President, Automated Logic and AdvanTE3C
12:45 – 1:45 PM
1:45 – 3:15 PM
Richard Pulling, Vice President, Sales, Global Major Projects, Otis
Lucien Wedzikowski, Director, Passenger Interface & Destination Dispatching Systems, Otis
3:15 – 3:45 PM
3:45 – 5:15 PM
Jon Hughes, Strategy & Product Development Leader, Edwards, Kidde Fire Systems & Fireye
Chris Mack, Director of Business Development, Lenel
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
11:15 AM – 12:45 PM
Richard Pulling, Vice President, Sales, Global Major Projects, Otis
Lucien Wedzikowski, Director, Passenger Interface & Destination Dispatching Systems, Otis
12:45 – 1:45 PM
1:45 – 5:15 PM
Dr. Murilo W. Bonilha, General Manager, United Technologies Research Center / CTBUH China Board Member
Dr. Mark Thompson, Director, Otis Program Office, United Technologies Research Center
Craig R. Walker, Director, HVAC&R, Fire and Security Program Office, United Technologies Research Center